The Canadian College of Chiropractic Sciences was created in 1975 to fulfill the needs for post-graduate specialty in the clinical aspects of chiropractic. At that time, chiropractic clinical sciences were poorly understood and the chiropractic profession needed experts in this field, particularly for academic and research purposes. The College of Chiropractic Sciences (C.C.S.) along with the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College established a two year full-time post-graduate residency program in clinical sciences.
The C.C.S. fellows have since greatly contributed to the advances in chiropractic and its integration within the Canadian health care system. Fellows of the College of Chiropractic Sciences have been called upon by chiropractic and government agencies as chiropractic specialists on numerous occasions. They have served the chiropractic profession as a resource of expertise in education, research, political and socio-economic issues affecting chiropractic practice. They have been actively involved in the development and conduct of continuing education programs to advance chiropractic clinical competency, including risk management; in clinical decision making in a specialist role; and to encourage discussion and study of current research and health care trends in general and in chiropractic health care in particular.
Fellows have been utilized as a resource by non-chiropractic sectors of society, such as other health care professions, government agencies, the legal profession and private industry. In summary, they have made significant contributions as scholars, educators, consultants and leaders.